November 6, 2011

Something Is Bugging Me Lately

It's bugging me and I don't know what it is..

It just sits there in the back of my mind, picking at me, but I can't explain it, at least not rationally in the sense that one could explain something.

It's like I'm different from everyone, and not just different as in not normal, but not normal as in WAY outside the spectrum that is considered normal.  It's like I can see past the blinders and that the truth has been revealed.

For instance, if you ask me how to solve the population problem, I will say kill massive amounts of people in the over crowded areas because what we are doing right now IS NOT working, if we are truly doing anything.

When I sit and look at the world, everything I see is wrong and broken.

I believe the corporations have way too much power and more money than sense.
I believe their power should be limited EXTREMELY and a government organization should be funded to do so.
I believe that stockholders in a company, should have ABSOLUTELY no say in how it's run or make decisions.
I hate capitalism and consumerism.
I believe that money is evil and we don't need it.
I believe in free healthcare with no sacrifice in quality.
I'm not afraid of Death, in fact I welcome it, just not prematurely.

To me it's just ALL wrong.

There are times I wonder if I'm human due to just how different I am and see things.

It's like I can't be a drone and just drone on.
It's like my eyes are opened and I cant' shut them.

I hate people and I hate this worthless rock I'm stuck on.

Often times I wonder if what if there is a God and we are just a sick experiment? Or what if it's just a computer program? What if there is no God at all and we just simply exist?

This type of thinking is dangerous...but I can't stop just keeps picking at me...

I want out.

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