November 1, 2011

Down with ACTA!

This thing is junk. Read up on it and then throw it the fuck out.  It threatens our Internet and our rights.

It's time for real cyber rights
, ones that give US power.  ISP's should not be responsible for what their customers are looking at, nor should stores with what their customers buy.

It's time to get some goddamn common sense up in here.  If the store gives you the tools via a transaction, it is not their fault what you do with them.  That's on you.
Anyways, this comment is great so for your viewing pleasure,

by theocrite on Tuesday November 01, @05:22AM in response to some others.
That video generates more questions in my brain than it answers.
What questions?
"ACTA is bad, nnkay?" it says, which is not enough.
It's enought for the video. Nobody would watch a 30 minutes boring video quoting obfuscated texts refering to more obfuscated texts already signed by countries dozens of years before that.

The point of this video is to try to get the interest of a lot of people. The one who didn't heard of ACTA before. Once these people are interested, they can seek informations by themselves. The link provided in the video [], that's a good start. Or see the wikipedia page, seek on the search engine, or seek on their favorite online newspaper.
The extremely one-side view on ACTA the video provides sickens me.
Well, what do you suggest? A more positive approach? Like "Think of the future, nobody will be able to share knowledge, wouldn't that be great?".
What if everything is bad in ACTA?
It doesn't even tell me who "The Negotiators" are.
That's the point. "The Negotiators" are not known. ACTA has been negotiated in secret during the past few years. Withoout the control of the democratically elected parliaments or other institutions. Now the treaty is finalized and signed by some Countries. The other Countries now have a gun pressed against their head "sign it or you're out".
I can't say "No" to ACTA based on this video alone.
Of course you can't.
But maybe you can say no to ACTA based on this video + my comment + few other comments on this news, + on [] + [] + [] + [] + [] + your own sources of information.

And if someday you want to say no, here is how: [] :)

I decided to take this comment because it has proper links to sources of information based on why ACTA is bad and about ACTA in general.  If you are voting for this, you are a fool who doesn't care about our rights on the Internet.

I myself have already and signed petitions and contacted my representatives to block this thing.


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